Dimension 6


The sustainable configuration of notification systems depending on the mission statement (1) pertaining to a specific web franchising perimeter implies to consider the underlying production site in its entirety (2), from the perspective of strategic implementation (3).

In terms of service continuity, the long-term temporality (4, 5) refers to the area of strategic planification, against the background of which the web franchised author is expected to progress along a R&D rationale, with a view to producing web publications related to his·her field of activity or expertise, whereby such productions shall be deemed as faithful declarations of intent (6).

The medium-term temporality (7) refers to the tactical implementation of the strategy published in the form of a mission statement, regarding which the web franchised author is expected to communicate in semi-deferred time, by providing RSS feed-enabled (8) and email-based status updates (9) about his·her production site.

The short-term temporality (10) refers to the action in the process of unfolding itself at the operational level, regardless of whether the related communications are entirely automated (i.e. provided through SMS alerts or status updates), or transmitted by the web franchised author by instant messaging (in the case of conversation feeds).


Further reading
(1) https://exterfolio.daniela-berndt.foundation
(2) https://testfolio-v2.daniela-berndt.foundation
(3) https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/matrix/slidefolio/menu-3_dimension-6/
(4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/temporality
(5) https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/affiliation/
(6) https://www.daniela-berndt.ovh/en/agenda/
(7) https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/feedback/
(8) https://www.daniela-berndt.ovh/en/agenda/files/tag-rss-feed.html
(9) https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/weblog/
(10) https://dashfolio-2018.daniela-berndt.foundation/en/contact/

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