It is the conceptualization of the principle of Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns (MDSC) which enables to report on the many changes brought to a web franchising perimeter under permanent improvement.
In order to not lose track of how/what/when/where/why/by-whom value is added, it is therefore necessary to begin by making a clear distinction between modifications of the system and its components, and updates of the created and/or published contents.
While the native functionalities of a CMS such as WordPress.org provide by default for a relatively transparent journaling of publication events (1) and update activities (2), the edition of more detailed reports with a view to internal communication (reserved for members) and/or external status updates (for target audiences) requires the addition of third-party extensions ([3], [4]) whose activity itself is likely to negatively impact the space available in the underlying MySQL database.
Further reading
(1) https://codex.wordpress.org/…dashboard-screen#activity
(2) https://codex.wordpress.org/revisions
(3) https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/activity+log/
(4) https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/changelog/
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