Last but Not Least

Image by PIRO4D on Pixabay
Where do we stand?

While the development history of this “FAQ module” reveals itself one navigation menu after another, at each new stage of the corresponding problem-solving process, and the production schedule of the meta-blog’s language sections can be reviewed through the sidebar’s drop-down “Archives (1)” menu, structural changes in page placement and content can become more difficult to follow over time, once the module has met its own initial requirements.

Now that the publication work is finished, with the underlying web construction site as a whole still beta-locked on the critical threshold to be crossed into the upcoming production phase (2 & 3), this changelog in the blog – or “changeblog” – will enable you to follow all future developments linked to the completion of the conceptual integrity audit of the Content Management System with regard to the (conceptual master-franchising) objectives defined and specified throughout the publication phase.

The latest updates, described below, illustrate this journaling requirement.

What’s new in v6.6.1/2024 ?

Update of 2024-08-01 (indexed but not visible in the archives menu):

  1. Relocation of the “GDPR” pages from the initial footer menu to their respective main language section (FRA, ENG and DEU).
  2. Addition of a “Multisite” page presenting the purpose of my multisite installation, as an integral component of my professional shared hosting package of 2013, on which the “RapidWeaver” web design application takes precedence over the CMS of
  3. Creation of a new “Multisite” footer menu, replacing the original “GDPR” menu, whose pages have been moved to the main language sections.

Update of 2024-08-02 (indexed and visible in the Archives menu):

Addition of a changelog to each language blog to provide a conceptually didactic timeline of changes planned for the upcoming production phase.

In brief
  • To understand the structure of this web module, please browse the page-enabled menus of the main language sections, which provide the sitemap.
  • To trace the development history of the RapidWeaver-based proof-of-concept demonstration to which this FAQ module is dedicated, please refer to the meta-blog’s native Archives menu.
  • To follow the upcoming extension of the same “FAQ perimeter” to the other web modules of my multisite installation, please subscribe to the “Versioning” changeblog (as soon as the RSS feed thereto becomes available, i.e. after the pending litigation settlement, financial refund and technical redeployment [4]).

Daniela BERNDT

Notes in the text
(1) See the “Month added” and “Calendar” widgets.
(2) See slide 3/5 on the Slidefolio page of my Dashfolio 2021.
(3) See the placeholder page for my Agenda 2024.
(4) See category “Phase 3” of my Kitfolio 2018.

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Daniela BERNDT

FR • Gestionnaire de programmes web et auteure de la solution de master franchise NetPlusUltra® pour auteurs web. EN • Web program manager and author of the NetPlusUltra®-sustained master franchising solution for web authors. DE • Web-Programmleiterin und Autorin der NetPlusUltra®-gestützten Master-Franchise-Lösung für Web-Autoren.

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