Dimension 7


The archiving modalities (1) directly follow the web publication strategy laid out at the previous stage, along the same matrix-enabled (systemic [2]) rationale, which will safeguard the sustainability of the production process at each level of the value chain, both with regard to content and system backups.

At the Externet+ level of access to the web franchising network, which is entirely dedicated to the Unique Conceptual Declaration, contents acquired in various formats are integrated for indexation into generic format libraries, and eventually reused as raw material (input) meant to enter the transformation process of the franchised content holder. Since the information processed at this level is relatively raw, metadata pertaining to operations of import, processing, export and sharing should be considered as particularly sensible in terms of backup and restoration, along with the contents themselves.

At the Intranet+ level laying the groundwork for the construction of a capitalization base dedicated to the implementation of a specific mission statement, the same raw material enters the franchised user’s actual production process (throughput). As the contextualized information gains in added value, both intermediary contents and metadata pertaining to incrementation (3) and performance measurement processes must be handled with special care.

At the Extranet+ level where operational web products and services (output) are launched on the NetPlusUltra® franchising network, in accordance with published specifications, both knowledge intensive products with high commercial value, and metadata pertaining to publication, modification and maintenance activities, must be subjected to a dedicated backup and restoration strategy.

At each step of the transformation process, it is also important to determine in advance whether the archival is finite, in which case the content is deleted from the storage volume or collaborative publication server, or if the said archival operation is a republication planned as part of the development of the web franchising perimeter considered.

FRDE • Configuration

Further reading
(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/digital-preservation
(2) https://www.daniela-berndt.foundation/matrix/slidefolio/menu-3_dimension-7/
(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/incrementalism

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  1. Please review the entire moderation codex as presented in the eight pages of the Feedback menu before publishing a contribution.

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