Your Attention Please
Given the intrinsically "Master-critical" nature of what I have yet to implement (i.e. to unify into a NetPlusUltra®-sustained “Next Generation Web” solution Master-certified as operational), and the obsolescence of my IT configuration of late 2012, which only allows things to be maintained as they are for the purposes of the damage assessments to be established as part of the dual cassation and validation procedure in progress, I won't be able to publish my 2024 agenda until my request for effective litigation settlement - in the form of a Master-sustained constitution repairing all prejudice accumulated since 2000 - has been honored through the “Office of Referrals and Competencies of the President (BRCP)” of the Litigation Section of the French Council of State, which is currently in charge of examining my requests for review since the introduction of my cassation complaint via "Télérecours citoyens" in January 2020.